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Random – Russia International Improv Festival, St-Petersbourg

27 octobre , 2017 @ 21:00 - 22:00

Random is an improv show in the style of Pure Improv

Random is a freeform Improv Show
Random is a freeform Improv Show
Random is a messy playground for these grown-up children that actors are and an open window on their imaginative power.Random is a freeform Improv Show

Random is a freeform Improv Show
From no suggestion, actors and musicians bring you on board into different universes, discovered in front of you, from spontaneously created scenographies.

As momentum funambulists, our improvisers walk on the edge of chaos, let their bodies be inspired by the atmosphere of the room, the music, the lights, props and settings randomly placed on stage.

Headliner at the Barcelona Improv Group Festival, Random toured in Brussels, Leuven, Barcelona, Tampere, Dublin and Amsterdam and is taught, performed and spreading through the world!

The Onions present various shows and offer workshops based on their style, on organic slow improv, on Keith Johnstone, Del Close and a taste of Molière of course!


Date :
27 octobre , 2017
Heure :
21:00 - 22:00
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


Скороход г. Санкт-Петербург, м. Московские ворота, Московский проспект 107 к.5
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Site du Théâtre de l'Oignon